LIVIN farms’ Single-Tray System: Innovating Insect Farming

Our innovative single-tray system is transforming the industry, setting new standards for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. 

Traditionally, insect farming relies on a two-tray system: small trays for pre-rearing and larger trays for main rearing. This method introduces several hurdles:

  • Multiple trays mean increased material expenses and handling costs.

  • Switching between trays adds complexity and labour.

  • The transition can affect rearing conditions and outputs.

Our breakthrough: one tray to rule them all 

Our single-tray system simplifies the process by combining the functions of pre-rearing and main rearing into one versatile tray. Here’s why it stands out:

  • The tray’s design bridges the gap between traditional sizes, streamlining operations and reducing the need for transitions.

  • Fewer tray types cut down on material and logistics costs, boosting profitability and sustainability.

  • Managing one tray type reduces errors and inconsistencies, making the rearing process more reliable and easier to scale.

  • Our automated system works seamlessly with the single-tray design, enhancing efficiency and consistency across all stages of rearing.

By optimising our rearing system, LIVIN farms is not only advancing technology but also reinforcing our commitment to sustainable agriculture. This approach makes insect farming more efficient, scalable, and economically viable.

Join us as we lead the charge in transforming the future of food production. Discover more about our innovations.


LIVIN farms modular factories set to transform 100,000 tons of organic material into insect protein per year


The potential yield of BSF larvae protein powder